• No… I have drawn buildings, churches, offices and shops too. Feel free to ask me if you aren’t sure. I love a challenge!

  • All I need to draw from are good, clear quality images of the house (or building), and if possible, from a few different angles. I love getting in as much detail as possible, so also send close ups of things like windows, doors, letterboxes.

    I can sometimes use Google Maps if the house is visible and current.

  • Yes they can! I am happy to add in a dog/cat/chicken or even a surfboard, bicycle or car. They will of course be in my perfectly imperfect style.

  • Yes you can, however they will only ever be an outline drawing - no faces sorry! You will need to send me the exact photos as I don’t improvise.

  • Yes you can, we can arrange for collection to save on shipping.

  • Generally I like at least 2-3 weeks notice, however if your scribble is more urgent, please let me know and I can see what I can do.

  • Yes, I do commercial projects too. Please email me for more details.